Want to Jazz Up Your Job Description? Just Add The Word “Wrangler” To It!


A fun activity for everyone who has a “job!” Make your job sound more action-filled and “Hollywood” than it is by adding the word “wrangler” to it! Are you a teacher? Then you can call yourself a “Kid Wrangler.” Graphic designer? “Art Wrangler.” Trivia host? “Trivia wrangler.” Work in receiving at a warehouse? “Pallet Wrangler.” Computer jockey? “Data Wrangler.” Human resources consultant? “HR Wrangler.” Work for the company that produces Wrangler jeans? Well, then you’re a “Wrangler Wrangler.”  Prostitute? “Sex Wrangler.” Clown? “Fun Wrangler.” Toll booth attendant? “Toll Wrangler.” Pilot? “Air Wrangler.” Scientist? “Science Wrangler.” You’ll be all set when you get selected to be a contestant on a game show, just be sure to use your “new” job title to make your job sound more exciting than it actually is!

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